Reduced Opera Orchestrations for Rent

We offer quality reduced orchestrations of a variety of operas for rent, for small- to medium-sized orchestras. We have been around since 2006 and have supplied orchestrations for over 1100 productions on six continents. Some of our titles have indivdually had over 100 productions.

Our reductions generally retain at least one of each original instrument, achieving a faithful reproduction of the composer's original colors and full-orchestra sound. There is no keyboard fill-in as there is in many "pocket" arrangements.

Our editions comprise the complete operas. No music has been cut, and in some cases we include extra music not always found in the standard editions. We sometimes provide commonly-done transpositions of select arias in addition to the composer's originals.

Parts are professionally engraved, printed and bound. There are no paste-ups, inserts, or hand alterations.

Wind parts have been transposed for modern instruments.

Onstage and backstage music (banda) is incorporated into the pit orchestration.

Timpani and percussion parts are combined into one multi-staff part, to be covered by a single player if necessary.

Attention is given to minimizing performance mishaps, since rehearsal time is often short with opera—courtesy accidentals, liberal use of cues, clarinet transposition shown on every page, attention to page turns, etc.

Great care is given to accuracy. Since our editions are printed digitally, we are able to correct any errors as soon as they are found, rather than allowing them to languish as with engraved printing.

Unlike with many reductions, we always provide a full score, showing both the original and reduced orchestrations. Score and parts all have rehearsal marks and/or measure numbers.

Motet Music Publishing Company offers a generous three-month rental period and a flat rental fee—no grand rights or per-performance charges.